This afternoon I took my crates o' stuff-packets of papers, pre-cut squares in various states of completion, glue, rags, cat food cans and glitters over to the museum. I met Maggie, who I recognized by her feet! I was assigned to a large classroom with long work tables that had built-in rolls of high grade butcher paper with which to cover the surfaces. There was also a high shallow sink with many faucets and cabinets full of extra supplies- we needed more scissors and glue than I had with me-in short, a really great space for groups of people to have a quilting bee or a taffy pulling, or even make valentines. I wasn't quite sure how to proceed, this really was my first workshop since I was a program director with the Girl Scouts* a long time ago. Mostly I just covered half the table with the squares and dug in. Soon I was joined by lots of people, mostly children, who asked me how to do it and joined right up. Nothing is funner than glitter and glue. (Except Sculpy, junk and epoxy...) We made a bit of a would be nice to have a whole afternoon and a bit more equipment and I may have that opportunity when all the static clears from my life. Maggie showed me some sheets of stencils and now I have an idea for them. But now, I have chores.
*My funnest and least paying job ever. I directed the children in throwing pans of paint at a wrapped building in the study of abstract expressionism.