Oh, the tired feeling is right down to my bones. It must have something to do with the cold snap. I mean, besides the day job and the houses and running to Mars for two large cans of yams on the way to school because the kid just whipped out the announcement of charitable giving whose deadline was this morning...and of course there was the drinking of copious amounts of good cold beer while meeting new and interesting people last night at the blogger's happy hour. I had a really good time. I had such a good time that I mismatched my shoes this morning and posted a blogroll of the people I met at the public house site. They all seem to have had a good time too. Mom was much more lucid tonight. She asked me if I wanted a ride. After some other pleasantries she asked me if I shouldn't call for a ride to get us home. I reminded her that I had learned how to drive and asked if she wanted me to take her in my convertible. Then the phone rang and she told me I'd better get it, it might be Dad. Good thing it wasn't. Now I must change the cat box and put out the bulk trash. And I may as well eat a large bowl of broccoli while I'm at it.