The sun is shining, my sinuses are clearing and I have Italian chocolate. It's not marzipan, but still! I feel less grumpy, dumpy, globular and spongey, and, I sold a painting out of Molly's last night! While some walking around money is nice, it's nicer still to feel validated as an artist and nothing does that quite like the exchage of cold hard cash for my goofiness captured on leaded linen. I had another deal going in which I agreed to trade a painting for the refurbishment of the bar's electric sign, but then Hubby joggled its switch and it came back on. Sooner rather than later the sign will go out again and while the fellow's up on a ladder changing the tubes he may as well tighten the fixture's sides and generally spruce it up. For this work he will get a gold leafed portrait of the St. Patrick's day dinner I tricked my mother into eating a few years ago. Oh, and I think I may detect some Joy on the horizon...