Between the grim tasks of writing checks and moving donations for the estate and my supervisor "being all up in my grille", as Hubby puts it, I haven't been springing into the flights of elation which make bi-polar disorder bearable. As I sat brooding over the accounts in the living room the other night, the nine year old offered to show me a card trick. She shuffled the cards and stacked them a certain way, then launched into a patter about some robbers in a house. "This one's in the attic...", she declared as she showed me an eight of clubs. "Hey wait one big fat hairy minute!" I said, recalling how Baltimore has yet again become the butt of a global joke for its school system because of this very game. She admitted when asked, that she had learned the trick in school. But the exercise was in last year's curriculum. No one made a fuss then. That's true, I reasoned, and tricksters and thieves are an integral component of all folk lores. "Just don't ever tell me that nouns are stuff", I told her.