Let me tell you, I have lately been an unalloyed crank. While I have refrained from shrieking, crying and biting my husband's head off, my family has taken to cowering in the corners shaking with fear. And whilst I was looking for them so that I could nag them to perdition about peeling dirty socks from the floor, I came across several sheets of paper, taped together end to end, with a list in the nine year old's handwriting. Titled "The Declaration of a Girl's Independence", it has thirteen articles of rights listed. Among those that stand out are these; ""Girls shouldn't be stereotyped", "Girls have the rights to play major league sports."and "Girls have the right and power to be president". Amen, sister...err, daughter...and it was signed by thirty school mates as well as some teachers. Wow. I wonder where on Earth she gets these ideas...now, let's list the right to be unapologetic in our hormonal extremes and get out of our way. PLEASE. Before anyone gets stabbed with a nail file, hand over the chocolates. And pick up your socks.