My hat goes off tonight to Duke Riley who, as art, installed an illegal bar under a freeway in an obscure New York waterfront wasteland and had his effort reviewed amusedly but in earnest by the New York Times yesterday. A participant, Nelson Enrique, is quoted with his endorsement; "Any art that involves beer is O.K. by me." It seems as if a good time was had by all. On the other hand, today as I perused the Washington Post* my attention was riveted with sick jealousy and the ensuing seep of cynicism as I read for the first time about the 6 year old abstract expressionist Marla Olmstead. With canvasses signed "Marla" fetching 5 figures each and the artist dancing about the gallery unwilling to comment on her work or her processes, I thought....."Yeah, right." All of which of course, leads even a degreed, professional, some-times galleried artist such as myself to ponder all over from scratch...what is art, anyway?
* A subscription site. This select quote: "Although we had total access, a substantive interview with Marla is not
possible. With the assistance of her mother, Laura, we learn that her
favorite color is pink (in earlier interviews, Marla had said it was
yellow). Her favorite ice cream: strawberry. The artist recently
completed kindergarten and is missing her two front teeth."