With the nip in the air and most of my cold weather clothes in boxes, I set out yesterday to buy cotton waffle-weave long johns. I prefer the unbleached type, as they come pre-skunge colored and one does not have to wait a year or for a mismatched load of laundry to soften the glare. I got to the Lot Store, where I've always bought them, only to find their absence from the bins. The closest they had were thick leggings, which I bought despite their lack of gussets, certain they'd split the first time I wear them. On to the dollar store and the sporting clothes store, only to come up empty handed. Giving up rather than subject myself to a suburban big box shopping experience, (which disorients me to the point of easily sprung tears) I headed to the thrift store. There I found a 100% cashmere pullover in excellent condition for 2 dollars. Ah! Only slightly too big and of an indiscernible grayish greenish light hue, I showed it to Hubby when I got home and declared success in my search for skunge colored softness.