Huge signs and and bus side advertising can not be ignored in Las Vegas. When we summered there last year, the graphics for an exhibition, Body Worlds violated my purview every day. Although I admire the display's intent to illustrate the intricate workings of the human structure, I'd rather take my instruction from Da Vinci or the original Gray's Anatomy. I am an artist, after all. And a traveling show of actual plasticized dead human bodies splayed and posed for effect creeps me out. It's bad enough to see an image of the vacant stare of bright green eyes transplanted in a deceased Asian person's face on the side of the bus, or now that it's been in Baltimore, my local news website. And Yahoo. I'm not going to go see the artifacts in the same room. Which brings me to my latest aversion, the advertising featuring Lance Armstrong with that same intense zombie look inescapably all over the webs. I feel distinctly unsettled and mildly threatened. Whatever he's selling, I don't want it.