Some years ago I had occasion to have all the lymph nodes removed from my right armpit. This surgery invited the onset of one of the first of this generation's drug resistant staph infections. It was so persistent they trained Hubby to maintain and monitor my home I.V. for over a month. Some days the fever was high and the fluids clogged my lungs. It was touch and go, and I was bothered by the excessive weeping and stink of the wound. After I emerged, I was warned quite sternly not to let my right arm get so much as a bug bite or sunburn. The painting hand! My immune system had been compromised enough that even vigorous exercise of the arm might cause dangerous swelling, as my lymphatic system could not send its healing fluids to that quarter nor drain any excess toxins as it should. Huh. Last night I burned my hand broiling hubby a steak and I got a whopper of a blister. A blister. A blessing! I must have gotten re-channeled somehow. Life is ever tenacious, right down to those weeds that stubbornly bloom in the sidewalk cracks and those tough guys whose adrenaline makes them heroes in battle. Every day someone survives the impossible. My blogging buddy, the Curmudgeonly Professor, has been blessed with the insight and the experience to put it much more succinctly, musing about how people slog through these dilemmas. Thanks for the reminder. Tommorrow I may spend an hour lying in a bed of asters watching the clouds go by.