I've been tagged for a meme and now that I have a job for real now, I can post this;
I haven't had a cigarette in 13 months.
I still want one.
I am very short.
I once bought an apartment building on a credit card.
I once lost my pants in the woods and begged a pair by the side of the road.
I wound up with some boy scout uniform shorts.
I was the main suspect in a diamond heist.
I didn't do it.
I rode on the back of a motorcycle to Florida in February.
I didn't feel right for days.
I once spent a winter afternoon sledding with a cat.
I lived for a winter in a house with three walls.
I learned to drive at age 39.
I am driving my third SAAB, my second convertible.
I knocked over a stone wall with the first one without a mark on the car.
I have enjoyed the heated seats in all of them.
I used to own a dive bar.
I can't tell good wine from bad.
I think it all tastes bad.
My reconstructive surgeon wanted to remove my third nipple.
I would not let him.
I wake up without an alarm clock no matter when I need to rise.
I once made a mobile of the human digestive system and hung it beside my cousin's hospital bed after he was stabbed in the gut.
I am usually pathologically honest but feel like cheating you out of the last item.
I am further cheating the system by not tagging 25 friends.