Mostly I can't sleep after checking the plumbing at 4:30 a.m.or so. This morning I went back into my dreams only to fall into a mailbox, unable to reach the cell phone in my back pocket. Later, in real life, I was rushing towards the Abel Wolman Municiple Building downtown when I slipped on loose cardboard on the sidewalk. I went down hard, wrenched my back, sprained my arm and wondered who to blame as I lay there on the pavement staring at the sky. While I was pondering the frequency of these occurances, my nostrils were bludgeoned by the aroma of solid human waste. I creaked upright and hurried away, hurt but unsullied-a near miss, someone must have covered a pile with the flattened boxes- to deal with a water bill ignored for years. The city had been sending the water bill for the studio house to the wrong address and I finally had to own up to it. In a bizaare turn of events, it seems that my complaint of last year caused an enduring credit to my account. Rather than the lien I had expected, I will be sent a check. Huh. That's one thing won't be waking me up early anymore for awhile.